Wednesday, May 9, 2012

It Takes a Village.

I found out last night that the little sister of a very good friend of mine is pregnant with a girl. This was awesome considering my friend is also pregnant, but with a boy. These are two wonderful girls that we grew up with, and remain very close with today. My sister and I were also pregnant together, so I understand just how exciting this time is for them and their family.

The unbelievable influx of new babies in my life over the last year has made me so overcome with a joy that's tangible. I feel so blessed knowing that Bronson will grow up with kids that he has known since birth, and that he has relationships with other adults that are so emotionally invested in him. Bronson was born into established relationships, and some that have been 20 years in the making. One thing I knew for certain when I found out I was pregnant was that Bronson would have an extended circle of love constantly surrounding him. I would make it happen. I decided this because I know what a community can do for a family. It takes a village right? I want my son to feel valued, supported and more than anything I want him to feel like he has something to lose. If he is confronted with making a bad decision in the future I want to give him that split second of opportunity to stop and think about the people that will be affected by that decision. When he is receiving a special award or getting into his college of choice I want him to know that his pseudo aunts, uncles and cousins are rooting for him.

I am a new parent so I dont pretend to know everything. I am learning as I go, but as I learn and develop my parenting style I know that I am creating a foundation for my son in which to grow on. My son will always know that he is valued, lov ed and respected on so many levels. Hopefully the life Bronson chooses to build on this foundation will be a happy and healthy one, and that he will be proud of the decisions he made to get there.



Here are some pictures of Bronson lovin...

1 comment:

  1. Holler, I made it on your blog! lol. I'm so happy to be a part of Bronsons life. I can't wait to see him grow up :) He has tons of love in his life, xoxox.
